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tv   Andrea Mitchell Reports  MSNBC  April 17, 2013 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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coincidence? are they witnesses. right now, heightened alert. but to say they have a suspect we're told is not correct at this point. the secret service intercepts a her possibly laced with ricin, and similar to a letter sent to >> pete, thank us very much. mississippi's senator roger tom ridge was the first wicker. more precise tests are under director of homeland security, way. we're following late breaking and he joins me now. details from the white house, you heard pete williams. homeland security and capitol hill. in an investigation, they see a in boston today, the city picture, they want to talk to mourns monday's victims, and a obviously anyone who might be favorite son gets emotional on seen putting down a package. capitol hill. that doesn't mean a person is a suspect, but certain -- >> i've talked this week with >> when pete was given the friends and family up there, as description, it reminded me of the times that you and i, a lot recently as this morning, and of americans buy those 1,000 or the granddaughter of a very, very close supporter and friend of mine, through all my 5,000-piece puzzle. political career, is fighting to magnify that by a million. keep both of her legs. they have more pictures or videos that you can imagine, but boston is not going to be they'll do it in a me tick las intimidated by this, but we're going to find out who did this. incremental way just as they're picking up pieces of evidence on the fbi releases the first the scene, they'll do the same
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thing with the picture puzzle pictures of the bombs used in monday's attacks. from all the video undoubtedly while investigators follow up on more than 2,000 eyewitness tips. they received. it's a good and appropriate >> there is no current investigative technique. >> you know what goes on in a indication to suggest the attas situation like this. walks indicative, but out of an obviously we have a suspect or suspects at large, who produced abundance of caution, we continue to keep in place a terror attack and killed enhanced security measures, both people. so there is a real impetus to seen and unseen. get answers, a political impetus >> we're learning more about the three who died including obviously there's pressure to get answers, but at the same graduate student lingzu dislu time the worst thing would be to go after the wrong people. what's going on right now? and krystle campbell, who went you see here people saying we to the marathon to cheer for her need answers, you hear people on the hill saying it, people in the white house quietly telling friend. >> she was always smiling. reporters we want answers, what should be the mode of the fbi you couldn't ask for a better and the people in charge? >> well, i don't think we have daughter. i can't believe this has to be concerned at all about the happened. sense of urgency that all the -- she's such a happy worker at everything she did. the small army of investigators, this doesn't make any sense. state, local, federal, but it's as boston comes to grips a very difficult process. remember how long it took us to with monday's tragedy, the
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identify the perpetrator after newtown families are dealing the '96 atlanta bombing. with an unexpected blow as the it took quite some time. senate prepares for key blows today on background checks. but -- that's why i think we joe manchin tells nbc news he want answers, we live in a just doesn't have the votes. >> we have over 90% of the in time world, but it's more senate democrats that will vote complicated than that, and i think empeet should be all sure, affirmative. if we just had 20% of our the i want said everything that republican colleagues, that's not a heavy ask, not a heavy needs to be done is being lift. in west virginia, gun show identified. it maybe by months, it may be background and criminal checks years, just let the process work for gun shows, 83% of west itself out. we've had a scattering of virginiaens support it in one of suspicious letters and packages. plim gnarl tests indicate ricin toughest gun culture in the country. in the letters to senator 86% across the board. but they can't get to 60. wicker, and they were good day on "andrea mitchell intercepted at the off-site reports" in washington. facility. a lot of these are procedures as the fbi is learning more about the bombs used, capitol you helped put in place. hill is now on alert. post-9/11, the anthrax attack happened a month later. we at nbc were victim to one of suspicious letters are being tested. they're targeting senators, and the attacks, and there was no we have learned president obama relationship. the immediate response is oh, as well. we're under siege again, but there was no relationship. we should calling there's always
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anthrax is far more serious, more lethal. the possibility of fats positives in the initial tell us what goes on in making screening machines. sure these suspicious packages are also identified. >> some say we go back to the joining me -- pete, first to future. we had the 9/11 incident and the you, what are we learning about these letters and the possibility of ricin? there can letters, most of which >> the possibility is the word, we are hoaxes, but obviously several people died. andrea. sent from a single person in mississippi, authorities believe the fact of the matter is the they know who has done this. they've questioned that -- and infrastructure that's been built through a series of administrations to preempt this they're waiting to see what the results are on them. kind of incursion, this toxic ricin is made from castor beans. incursion to the hill, that facility was build under the postmaster general with the we've seen this happen in the great support of congress. the fact that you look at what past, someone will grind up happened in boston -- this is a castor beans, put them in an story that will be written i think in greater details when envelope, and that will trip the indicators that are looking for the time is right. the fire services, the police, ricin, sort of like the difference between opium and poppies. they come from the same thing, mcsill services folks rushed to but they're not the same thing. the scene immediately. the hospitals were prepared for so they have these preliminary mass casualty events. tests that -- for the last the communication lines were open. the coordination was full and
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decade, no mail goes directly to complete. that didn't happen by accident. the white house or lots of other there's an infrastructure that wasn't in place before 9/11 government buildings. that's available now. i suspect when we look back, they have these -- they can't boston got quite a bit of money know for certainly until it's in grants, we're sharing cultured, then they'll examine it. information, did training and there may be more than these exercises, so at the end of the day i used to say homeland letters. security may be a federal agencies, it's a national mission, you have to train whether it really contains ricin together and fight together, and or not, we probably won't know the after-action report i think until probably the very earliest should be kudos to the men and later today or tomorrow. women who responded so beautifully. and psychological people ran to >> there are, there was a letter the hospital to give blood, ran to saginaw, michigan office of to the fire, resiliency is not carl levin and we should also only an infrastructure, but psychology. i think we're demonstrating in boston we're a pretty resilient point out that ricin, while country. >> one quick factual question. letters don't just go to poisonous is for the like senators or the white house any anthrax. longer. they go to the interim facility. anthrax can be terribly, terribly dangerous. everything is screened off-site. i wanted to bring in mike at >> everything is channeled will you a special facility built leiter in as well. post-/9/11, post the anthrax scares. obviously i think the field
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tests are probably a bit better from your assessment and your too these days. we had so many false-positives, but way back then we were sources, how is this proceeding, talking about ricin during the the fbi 2,000 tips, getting anthrax attacks. in 2003, i think there was a pictures, putting together the pieces of what these bombs were, ricin-related arrest and what they were made of, how far prosecution in great britain. have they gotten, do you know? i believe they were from northern africa, using ricin. so people have been paying >> i think they're doing quite attention to this for quite some time, but that facility was well. built in response. we're not yet 48 hours in. >> thank you very much. we're getting there now, and and "sweet caroline" the they now have a pretty good idea about these devices. unofficial boston anthem played they know how many, they have a in an unusual setting last sense of how they were carried night, yankee stadium. the tribute to boston was echoed to the side, so that's a huge as balance parks around the nation in solidarity with red piece. from surveillance cameras that sox nation. were in place from the city of boston, businesses in the area, and of course all of the photos ♪ sweet caroline and surveillance movies that people got on that you are ♪ good times never seemed so iphones and everything else.
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good ♪ ♪ so good so good there's been an enormous amount of work. we've reduced taxes and lowered costs to save with the central be gens businesses more than two billion dollars to grow jobs, agencies, they're seeing if they cut middle class income taxes to the lowest rate in sixty years, can -- or human intelligence to and we're creating tax free zones for business startups. point in the direction. the new new york is working all of those things are think creating tens of thousands of new businesses, over the coming days and weeks and we're just getting started. will sloely by correlated. to grow or start your business visit i think if things go well, they could -- in the come days. >> pete williams, is there any problems respect as far as you know to whether this is domestic or foreign. cheryl burke is cha-cha-ing in depend silhouette briefs >> not yet. they still haven't identified who did it. for charity, to prove that with soft fabric and waistband, many of the materials in the bomb were made in china, but lots of things are made in the best protection looks, fits, and feels just like underwear. china, widely available here get a free sample and try for yourself.
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then the other is looks at these pictures. they have identified several things that stand out to them. but that would be a process of elimination. >> there have been questions to why we talk about the devices. the fbi is putting pictures out, because they want us to let people know what has been used. >> but just to be clear, these pictures were actually not released by the fbi or the government. we've gotten or hands on them, because they were either in intelligence bulletins, or i've never seen this many pictures this early in an investigation. i think the fbi shared them with some of their intelligence partners overseas who leaked them to an overseas news agency who put the pictures out there.
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but all these pictures, very surprising. >> it is surprising. thanks for the correction. part of the investigating procedures is, do you know want to save on electricity? someone who has been collecting don't use it. live like they did long ago. they materials? or just turn off the lights when you leave a room. >> absolutely. at pete said, over the past you can conserve energy wisely. tense years they had warned the more you know. local authorities, so that was glass on floors. daily chores. inevitable. it's unfortunate that really for the little mishaps you feel use neosporin to help you heal. sensitive information also needs to be protected, because the it kills germs so you heal four days faster. fbi, this is such a fluid neosporin. investigation, they can't allow investigates to get out. use with band-aid brand bandages. it might warn the people they are looking for, or release -- >> so it's obviously on our shoulders to make sure that is protected in conjunction with the fbi and making sure we're not reporting on things that shouldn't be out there.
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>> the events in boston, facing a likely defeat of new gun laws. [ bells tolling ] david grer goir join me now. queen elizabeth, leading david, you've been tracking dignitaries from around the this, kelly has following every world at the sermonian funeral in and out of it. of margaret thatcher in london. benjamin netanyahu, henry kissinger and george shultz were echblg joe biden was telling there. she received full military people last night they were two honors, adorned with white both short. roses. there were some protests along the route. the funeral's $15 million price >> even hide camp said she's now tag is also causing controversy, not for it. with prominent politicians saying she was too diadvicive a >> it could be just among a small -- the reality is the figure. margaret thatcher died of a background checks appear to be stroke last month at age 87. going by the wayside as has the more than 100 federal, state
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and local investigators are scouring a 12-block stretch magazine back. around boylston street for clues there are other taemds as a part of this. that would be part of the final to who was responsible for the package. make no mistakes they are bombing. mark mazetti is a correspondent for "new york times," and author prepared to come on the blasting on this, to make the point that of "the way of the knife." about the secret drone war. first of all, mark, republicans say what repeatedly is a 90% issue. congratulations on the book. >> thank you very much. >> rave reviews and >> and kell, from what you're extraordinary reporting here. hearing on the hill, there's no first about boston and what we chance they're not going to know. there's a great deal of interest proceed to these votes. they're goods to go ahead and about whether this could have been foreign or domestic. force the votes even though they we don't know that yet. know they can't beat the this is a very common type of filibuster? >> that is a question we have homemade incendiary device. raised. every person involved says yes, >> pete williams gave the latest they're going forward with the votes. they want the opportunity to be on where the federal authorities on record. are zeroing in on suspects. one of the strategies that was talked about, but ultimately did the big sort of story yesterday not come to pass was the idea of was the construction of the taking at the initial votes on bombs and whether speculatively, the assault weapons back and the the bombers could have taken any high-capacity magazines. politically speaking, that would allow some members to get a no inspiration from an online
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vote on record, and then perhaps magazine only al qaeda in the in a better space politically to vote yes on background checks, arabian peninsula. even if that was the case, it but harry reid and mitch wouldn't tell you if it was mcconned have put together this foreign or domestic. the point of the magazine was to deal to vote on nine amendments, tell everyone how to go do all related to guns, various aspects that will begin at 4:00 something. it could be someone linked to today. they agreed that it would be a international terrorism or not. this is sort of the 60-vote threshold. proliferation of some of these had republicans agreed to not put that 60-vote threshold in ideas, it certainly doesn't pinpoint any one specific thing. place, certainly democrats had enough, but they do not have all >> i also wanted to asked but a of their members, and there are report, the bipartisan report on only at this point three torture, came out yesterday, republicans who were speaking would have received a lot more publicly, a fourth john mccain attention if not for the often tragedy and investigation in has given all the indications that he would vote yet for the boston. this is a bipartisan report expanded background checks. one thing we have heard, co-authored by asa hutchinson especially in talking in corners and hallways with some of those who was in the bush administration, and came to this red state democrats, what i have heard is their offices have been conclusion very reluctantly, he lighting up with phone calls said, that torture was used, it from people in their states, who do not support this. was used not just in the so we've talked a lot about the waterboarding, it has not been newtown families, ggabby acknowledged, and it was not productive. what is your take away from all of this? >> certainly as my colleagues giffords's influence here. what they're telling me is their scott shane reported yesterday,
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this is the most thorough look at the program, bipartisan look own states highcamped said the that we know of -- that we've seen so far. people in don't want this. there is another report classified by the senate >> i was so struck by joe intelligence committee. manchin saying it was 86% having this bipartisan label on supported in west virginia. this report, because of its >> he believes that really thoroughness, i think it will have a lot of clout. stonily. >> by lisa murkowski, and the issue, as you know, has been using torture -- using the term probably others going against -- jeff flake -- is that how you "tore curl" because torture is explain it, the pressure on them? illegal, has been a subject of >> one of the issue says those members who have rural states debate. these memos were all written to are very concerned not about the say these techniques are not torture. over-arching idea, but the to have this report out that says let's not mince words, this day-to-day bureaucratic piece was torture, i think maybe will that would become part of this. change the materials of the they're saying in law-abiden debate. >> at it's described in this report, the white house lawyers live -- they had would have to in the bush white house went go to that location to do a through legal ackro battics to background check, and those members who are talking about say it was not torture, this say that's too great of a precisely because under the burden on law-abiding gun hague conventions you have war
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owners. that's kind of the small piece crime possibilities of charges that becomes a big foreign within this bigger story that's making it very difficult for policy problem. that's one of the reasons why the state department was so some people who, on the surface you would think would vote for opposed to the waterboarding it. why they are voting against at under colin powell. >> exactly. to have it labeled -- so then you get into the territory of were crimes committed? this point there are other -- he and what kind of future implications there are for that. said while they may lose this >> briefly, before i let you go. today, in fact he flat-out said we do want to talk about it in he wouldn't have the votes, he more detail, the book. will hope to bring it back. the appreciate now to move the program from the cia back to where many say it afc belonged in the military where there could be more oversight. what you've uncovered is the not giving some of these extent of secret relationships republicans the room, that's what manchin was concerned with pakistan, things that have about. there have been supporter who never been reported, never been said the nra was effectively tea revealed, i guess, to other than the intel gens community? partied by more conservative >> i think when you look at the elements of the gun lobby, history of the secret war since making it more difficult for the 9/11, there's so much that's nra to step back and not score, gone on in the shadows that we have not known about and not in the language of capitol hill, certainly told to the public or told to congress. and hold them accountable. as you said, pressure is building to become more transparent. president obama set in the state
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of course you also have the of the union there would be more reality -- if it's a tough vote. transparency, and we'll see what >> and they know that it is happens. >> the book is "the way of the knife." the author mark mazzetti, unlikely to succeed in the house. some of them are arguing why should i walk the plank on this? congratulations. >> thank you very much. they're gathering to bury is there also a big-picture look the state officer. at this, those who have taken a the young diplomat's funeral is tough vote for them on being held in river forest, immigration, or preparing to, don't want to risk two different illinois. votes at the same time? >> you look at the analysis for smell she was on her way to deliver books to an afghan, she served marco rubio. he's stilling with the right on as the escort officer for the the issue of background checks. secretary of state john kerry who reflected on her legacy yeah, these are tough issues. today. >> i met her on my last vitt, you're already hearing some of earlier in the week, and i sat the noises about whether boston with her parents, and we swapped and a renewed focus on story about her enthusiasm, her counterterror will somehow energy, her vitality she really impact the immigration push. we remember well what happened wanted to make a difference in after 9/11 when president bush the lives of people she had never met, and she was. pursued it. it was simply taken off the so ann and ambassador stevens table because of 9/11. are really cut from the same >> david, it still strikes me in
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cloth, and that is frankly what made them such outstanding the aftermath of boston and americans as well as members of the state department family. one can cost you overoue $4 a meal per person? newtown at some point if they don't stand up for something and a meal like this costs about $1.64 per serving. fight a filibuster, that there's a family of four like yours could save over $500 bucks a year. going to be a backwash from wow. that's amazing! this. americans are going to stand up [ male announcer ] save on a kraft breakfast and say, what are you doing is backed by the low price guarantee. walmart. it and whom are you representing? people in this country are [ dennis ] allstate wants everyone to be protected on the road. really hurting. whether you're an allstate customer or not. people even people outside of all you have to do is call. boston. >> you have an issue with big-time public support. [ female announcer ] call and sign up i don't think that overcomes the for good hands roadside assistance today. differences in our gun culture [ dennis ] are you in good hands? in the country the politics her long day of pick ups and drop offs begins with arthritis pain... simply have not moved enough. and a choice. take up to 6 tylenol in a day the big question is whether we're heading interest a or just 2 aleve for all day relief. position where there will all aboard. actually be a big backlash ♪ politically, but let's not forget as well how much of the gun debate animates public there's a lot i had to do... watch my diet. safety, and not only political stay active. debates, but even have some role start insulin... in this horrible event in today, i learned there's something boston. i don't have to do anymore.
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my doctor said that with novolog® flexpen, i don't have to use don't forget, back in the a syringe and a vial or carry a cooler. oklahoma city bombing kay tim flexpen® comes prefilled with fast-acting insulin mcveigh originally went to waco used to help control high blood sugar when you eat. to protest the brady bill. so these are very tough issues dial the exact dose. inject by pushing a button. on all sides. >> and we don't know what we're no drawing from a vial. you should eat a meal dealing with yet. within 5 to 10 minutes >> no, not yet. after injecting novolog® >> david, thank you kelly, you (insulin aspart [rdna origin] injection). have a busy day up there. do not use if your blood sugar is too low, thank you for taking time. >> sure. or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. and chris jansing is in the most common side effect is low blood sugar, boston on top of the latest which may cause symptoms developments there. such as sweating shakiness, confusion, and headache. chris, it appears now today severe low blood sugar you're closer to the bombing can be serious and life-threatening. site? ask your health care provider about alcohol use, operating machinery, or driving. other possible side effects include injection site reactions >> we've hearing all along that and low potassium in your blood. police wanted things to get back tell your health care provider about all medicines you take to normally, a weird word to use and all of your medical conditions. get medical help right away if you when you've had a tragedy. experience serious allergic reactions as quickly as possible. such as body rash, trouble with breathing, this is an area of commerce. fast heartbeat, or sweating. you can see the big white flexpen® is insulin delivery my way. medical tent that was essentially used as a trauma center in the aftermath. covered by most insurance plans, including medicare. this is by far the closest we have gotten to that crime scene. find your co-pay cost at
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we also learned today at times ask your health care provider about novolog® flexpen today there's been as many as 100 investigators working this crime scene. they will continue to shrink it. well, he showed up in a van. they believe they definitely are [ women ] oh-awww. making progress, both in [ voices in background ] findings parts of the bomb being analyzed, looking at all those [ female announcer ] swapportunity. individual photographs, and the opportunity to swap a higher calorie snack pieces of video, looking for a for a delicious 90 calorie yoplait light. ♪ suspe sorry... about your date, the details of your date. suspect. >> there was also an interesting [ female announcer ] just one swap a day helps keep the calories away. analysis. an assist found 6% higher police yoplait. it is so good. presence this year at the marathon than the last. of course they are looking at every aspect of this. you can see the activity behind because every flake is double-toasted... splashed with sweet honey... me, andrea. and covered in rich double-roasted peanuts. mmm. [ hero ] yummy. >> and chris, what we're hearing [ male announcer ] kellogg's crunchy nut. now is these ghastly injuries, it's super delicious! just horrendous, the amputations, the terrible lower at a hertz expressrent kiosk, you can rent a car without a reservation... extremity injuries, it's clear these devices were designed to and without a line. now that's a fast car.
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maim and kill. >> reporter: there's no doubt about it. when you hear the descriptions it's just another way you'll be traveling at the speed of hertz. from some of the trauma doctors. i talked to one of the heads of the trauma department at mass general today, it is absolutely senators and their staffs astonishing, nails and bbs being are remaining on edge today as more suspicious letters have embedded in little children. been discovered at a capitol as you probably know, initially hill mail facility. senator bob menendez joins me there were 176 people that went from the hill. to hospitals. the good news geographically you we know this is an off-site have six top trauma centers facility, with screening providers put in place after the within a mile and a half of where this occurred. anthrax attacks post-9/11. of the 69 who are still in the what do we know about the hospital, 19 we learned today suspicious letters and what are are critical. you being told? at least three of them are >> i don't know much more than children. a 9 and a 10-year-old, and over that, andrea, other than that at boston medical center, there obviously from years ago when is a 5-year-old boy fighting for anthrax became a deadly weapon his life, as well as a man who laced in a letter, that we've is in his 60s. you mentioned the fact there got these off-site facilities have been amputations. we know at least nine people that do screens. that's been a saving grace, have had one or more limits amputated. when you look at the challenges obviously in this set of ahead, it will be to try to save circumstances. i've always concerned about her some of the limbs of the people of our district office that
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who are still struggling. don't go through the same process, but we have some very having said that, the doctors good men and women working say that these folks are off-site and were able to catch improving, that they are really feeling very positive about the it. >> senator, the story of the day progress that many of these up there is obviously the gun patients have been making, and so they are hoping that it will compromise, why do we think it's continue in that direction. failing. joe martialing says he thinking they short of the votes to stop just one more thing. the filibuster. i should tell you we did learn it doesn't seem as though enough the name of the third victim. republicans are coming over. as we have been reporting, she what is so difficult about this was a graduate student at boston compromise procedure, which is university, majoring in not the university background constituents. checks? this is a very -- a much more her name is lingzu lu, a native narrow proposal. >> andrea, i agree with you. of china. i'm bewildered. her parents and family members i just came off the floor, apparently interviewed in chinese media. making the case while this is a she was an only child. she had gone to the race with step forward, it is really a two of her friends, one of whom small step forward, and a small went to the hospital. we believe, andrea, is still hospitalized. response to the families in newtown and aurora, and of the >> everyone was withholding the sikh temple, and throughout name, the family had not been virginia tech that we commend fully notified. rated just the other day, it's there were grandparents
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involved, a terrible, terribly such a small step forward,ity we sad story for this young can't seem to get the courage of graduate student. there were a number of some people to support the chinese-born graduate students, beginning and moving of the national conversation that chinese natives at boston creates greater gun safety. we have more guns in this university, and of course the boston community is filled with country than any other nation, foreign students studying there. over 300 million guns owned by so really sad case there. when we talk about some of only 40% of the population. the terrible injuries, we know i can't understand, in addition of one family where two adult to the background checks why we brothers each lost a limb, each allow assault weapons on the streets that can fire multiple lost a leg. we know the young sister of shots, ultimately for the purpose of, in my mind, killing martin richard, was an amputee. not about hunting. you don't need those types of the doctors are trying to save shots to go hunting action and limbs, but they're really trying why you can't get reasonable gun to save lives. control measures that go through that is the essential ingredient a background check to at least here. >> when you talk to his doctors, ensure universally that someone who should not have access to and it's heartbreaking, they say guns, buff criminal records or mental illness, ultimately can't this is one of the most different decision a surgeon has be reviewed and stopped from to make. having said that, you looked at owning a gun. the extent of some of the so if those are the way the injuries, and it was absolutely votes come down, it will be evident to everyone that looked
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at some, that there was no way incredibly disappointments. even the best of modern medicine they could not be saved, but >> some said they could take a they would always have two vote on immigration, but not surgeons look and make that that plus guns. determination. they wanted to be absolutely do you see a linkage there? sure that nothing could be done. how about that fare? it's never more heart-wrenching >> well, look, i don't link the for them than in the case of children. two. we've heard doctors talking i think that clearly the whole about the fact that the idea of looking at a young kid and question of votes on living the rest of their lives common-sense gun safety and without a leg was almost more they could bear. universal background checks is to that point earlier today, i about life and death. was talking to frank keating, and in fact, i don't know how governor of oklahoma during the oklahoma city bombings. many of us would be okay with he was saying that 18 years later, we're almost to the 18th the counsel of patience and delay when we could have acted to prevent a neighbor or a loved anniversary, there are still people who are suffering from one from being killed by a gun post traumatic stress. most of them are that ultimately we could have first-responders. when i asked him what is the prevented access to. on the immigration bill, i just biggest concern going forward, he said that for many who had to believe our immigration system deal with this trauma, many in americans believe that as well. that tent behind me, it's going it is time to fix it. to be months even a year from now when they start to feel the we have a spectrum of eight impact of what they have seen, senators that have come
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what they have experienced, and together, republicans and that is going to be a very big democrats from totally different challenge for the folks here in boston who responded to parts of the nation with a common sense proposal, that heroically, andrea. >> thank you so much. ensures our security in the a thought of those people wo responded heroically are country. at the same time, make sure we civilians who applied anything can promote our economic they could as a tourniquet, and prosperity and continue to make the american dream a reality as the fact is that emts often do a nation of immigrants that not have tourniquets on their obeys laws. and so, it's time to fix it and vehicles, and it's something that really needs to be done. i think we've got the best start i spoke to surgeons here today that i have seen in nearly 20 myself, who said that is a key years in congress of trying to pursue immigration reform. factor often in saving a limb. >> when do you think it will get we'll be back in just a moment. support for boston continues to to the floor? pour in, especially from new >> i'm sorry? >> i'm sorry, when do you think york. where the once rival cities have the immigration bill, the come together to mourn. proposal, will actually get to the floor for votes. fz well, i think we will start off with the judiciary committee new yorkers and boston have hearing this week. we will continue to move in the a bit of, you know, a judiciary committee. i think we will get a positive competition oftentimes the two result there. move to the floor. cities accusing each other of it is my hope that that can be accomplished in may and that we various levels of suck-itude, would see debate on the floor on the immigration bill in june. but it's in situations like this you know, goodwilled individuals where we realize it's clearly a who can improve the bill.
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sibling rivalry, and that we are we welcome them. i know there are some members, your brothers and sisters in this type of event. if i had ten angels swearing as a city that knows the feeling from above this would be the best legislation for the country in reforming our system and of confusion, anger and grief securing our country, promoting economic opportunity and and chaos that comes with these preserving the american dream, that they would say it is still events, i can tell you from not good. but i think we will get a good foundation of support, enough to personal experience, you've got beat the filibuster, enough to a hell of a city going there, move forward with the strong and you've done an incredible vote and create some positive dynamic in the house. job in the face of all of this. carfirmation. >> senator mendez, chairman of the immigration committee, thanks for being with us. now back to boston and boston nbc native ann thompson reporting. now we are hearing reports they may have strong leads. we don't know how to characterize -- what is the appropriate characterization, but they've seen a lot of video and there are strong leads. we are hearing there may be only hertz gives you a carfirmation. developments we hope. this would be very fast, though,
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hey, this is challenger. if it happens. >> reporter: it would be very i'll be waiting for you in stall 5. fast and certainly would be a it confirms your reservation and the location your car is in, relief, andrea, to people here in boston. i can tell you for the last 48 the moment you land. it's just another way you'll be traveling at the speed of hertz. hours this city has truly been stagger had. geico and we could help youo i would describe it as being save on boat and motorcycle insurance too. pierced in the heart given what other insurance companies are green with envy. happened at the boston marathon. the marathon is both a very oh, no, no, no...i'm sorry, but this is all wrong? large celebration of people i would never say that. coming together and something writer: well what would you say? very personal because almost gecko: well i'd probably emphasize the savings. everybody here has a connection to the marathon. ya know...lose that green with envy bit. rubbish. they know somebody who has run it. it's just a reference about my complexion. they run it themselves. they've gone and cheered smor writer: but the focus groups thought that the... gecko: focus groups. someone so the idea that police geico doesn't use focus groups. uhh...excuse me. could be targeting somebody, no one told me we were using focus groups. zeroing in on someone this vo: geico. fifteen minutes could save you quickly, would really make a lot of people here very happy and in fifteen percent or more on car insurance. the last 48 hours, there has not been very much to be happy about. andrea? >> and ann, people are going back to work and school and dealing with this in trying to get back to whatever kind of normal, if you can call it normal, life there is, in boston. >> they are going back to work, to your table for a limited time! andrea.
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it's our seafood dinner for two a lot of schools have this week for just 25 dollars! off for spring break. a handcrafted seafood feast made to share. it comes a little later in massachusetts, as does spring. first you each get salad and unlimited cheddar bay biscuits. but yeah, people are trying to then choose two from a wide variety go back and do things certainly of chef-inspired entrées like our new honey garlic crispy shrimp the city seems much livelier or new seafood lover's linguini. today than just yesterday. round out your seafood dinner with your choice but at the same time, there is a of either an appetizer or dessert to share! new cautiousness, a new don't miss our seafood dinner for two, just $25 awareness about what could at red lobster, where we sea food differently. possibly happen to them. because nobody expected anyone would ever attack the boston marathon. certainly that was never in the general public's mind. now that it happened, people are far more aware of their surroundings. andr andrea. dotired of fees piling upnner introducing chase liquid. >> as a boss bostonian, let me the reloadable card with no fee reloads just share, that if "sweet and withdrawals at chase atms. caroline" can be played in all for one flat monthly fee so there's zero confusion. yankee stadium, maybe democrats and republicans can come get rid of prepaid problems. together. >> reporter: i had that exact get chase liquid. thought today when i heard them singing "sweet caroline" at yankee stadium. this is an nbc
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report. here's brian williams. >> good day pr new york. we wanted to come on the air to report some rapid movement in the investigation into the terrorist bombing at the finish line of the boston marathon. let's go to our justice correspondent pete williams in washington. we're seeing a lot of conflicting reports about a suspect, a person of interest and an arrest perhaps being imminent. >> reporter: what we know for a fact is we're told by several federal officials that no arrest has been made. there's a great deal of interest in a couple people they have identified. one in particular based on their review of all these pictures they have asked for. and with this breaking news, what they are concentrating on joining mess is justice is people who appear to be correspondent pete williams. what's the latest on the investigation, pete? >> well, andrea, as we want at carrying heavy black nylon backpacks and setting them down the top of the hour, and it in the area the bombs went off. bearing repeating perhaps they have some matches like that and they are trying to figure because of some reporting that's out whether that is the real going on about a spect -- in boston, i mean -- we're told
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deal or the koicoincidence or a they've identified a number of witness or what. people in these pictures they've it's rather confusing at this looked at that could be point. partly because of the one potentially folks they want to person's item of interest is another person's suspect. pursue, but they can't tell at this point whether they are but what we have been told is no witnesses or actually people involved in the bombing. arrest has been made. what they are working from is we have heard frankly exactly what they asked for, which is all sorts of pictures conflicting reports from seen r your federal officials about and all kinds of surveillance whether they have in fact even material to see if they could identified anybody yet based on see anything doing what they looking at these pictures. thought happened here, which is carrying a heavy duffel bag or some say yes, some say no. heavy backpack and setting it i would take a step back and say down in the area where the bombs were set off. whatever is going on, it is a they had found pictures like promising development. that, they say, but they tell us they would hope pictures would it's too soon to say whether give them the leg up they needed to move the investigation along. they have, quote/unquote, a suspect or not. it's going to take awhile to they are pursuing these figure out who could have bought pictures, trying to identify who all these pieces in the bomb the people are. that are relatively intact in i asked authorities a short time ago whether they were ready to from the explosion. show these pictures to the it's rapidly moving. i think it's fair to say we public, and they said no, we're not there yet. don't precisely know what's happening right now. they say they're making very but i believe this is very
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fast progress in narrowing down promising that less than two all these pictures they have days since the bomb attack, they received to focus in on what they want to look at, which is have some hot leads. >> let's talk about the science people in the areas where they briefly. believe the bombs were placed the fact the average iphone, the setting down things they believe number of pixels that can be the bombs were carried in. they have those vectors matching blown up to do basic facial up. now the question is, are the recognition. the fact that there was a report people they see doing that the today that a stationary camera actual bomber, or is this a outside a department store has been critical to law enforcement. the fact that most city streets, especially boston, especially new york, have multiple views of public walkways. so that combined with the fact that science allows us to now record and memorize faces electronically, new york city has cameras that even know if an individual and a package they are carrying becomes separated over time. that this, as you indicate, we kind of knew that this would be crucial in this investigation. >> reporter: especially since they are not merely looking for
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a face in the crowd, if you will. they are looking for somebody doing a specific thing. they believe, brian, that these bombs weighed about 20 pounds a piece based on their initial analysis of what was in them. and the fact is that they are looking to find someone who was doing a specific thing. carrying a heavy bag and then setting it down and walking away. so those are the heavy criteria they are looking for and they have found some things that match that. now they are trying to figure out who is this person and trying to find them, trying to identify them, and that we know for sure is going on. beyond that whether they have actually, a, identified a person so they know who it is and where they are, and b, whether they have made arrest, we think no arrest here. we are not even sure they i.d.ed it. we heard conflicting information on whether they have identified the person, whether they know who it is rather than just a
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face. one other thing, we have been showing this picture from our affiliate in boston that shows during the race you can see what looks like a trash can. there it is. they say that thing that looks like a mailbox or a letter drop box is a trash can. you see this bag sitting down next to it. we have now been told that that is the point. it's been obscured in this picture. that's the picture being blurred afterwards to conceal the injuries. but we have been told by officials that that's the point where the bomb went off. while they can't say for sure it was in that bag because they haven't found pieces to identify, we have been told by several officials that's where one of the bombs went off in front of that restaurant. that's one of the bomb locations. >> it appeared, and to my laymen's eye, to be one of the
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trash containers that maybe paper lined with a see-through plastic outer layer that had been put there. the kind that you would see, i don't know, at outdoor events and are portable and can be picked up after they were filled with trash. >> right. i've just
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